Friday, October 4, 2013

the value of unpaid work

our most popular post to date has been on this topic and here at this link you will find up to date stats and evidence that womens work is not valued in economic terms until you have to pay someone else to do it !!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Value Of Unpaid Work

Unpaid work in Australia was worth $261 billion according to The Australian Bureau of Statistics. (Unpaid work and the Australian Economy, Cat no. 5240.0)

91% of this figure is made up of unpaid household work.

Women contributed to 65% of unpaid household work, this was worth $154.05 billion of the total.

Women also contributed the equivalent of $13.44 billion to the remainder of unpaid work (volunteer and community work).

Womens total contribution to the Australian Economy according to these figures was $167.49 billion.

Next time someone asks what you do for a living, tell them!

Position Vacant

After leaving the workforce six years ago to have two children, upon returning to work I was faced with the issue of having to update my resume. In my wildest dreams I would never have thought to add the fact that I am a “mother” under my “Work History”. I thought that a future employer would turn up their nose at reading that. But after attending a tafe course I learnt that yes, experience in this position is a real life skill and certainly worthy of a place on your resume, particularly as it lets the future employer know what you have been doing in your time. Take the time to read the following advertisement, see how good you are:-

Position Vacant: HOUSEWIFE

Applications are invited for the position of manager of a lively team of four demanding individuals of differing needs and personalities. The successful applicant will be required to perform and co-ordinate the following functions: companion, counselor, financial manager, buying officer, teacher, nurse, chef, nutritionist, decorator, cleaner, driver, child care supervisor, social secretary and recreation officer.

Qualifications: Applicants must have unlimited drive and the strongest sense of responsibility if they are to succeed in this job. They must be independent and self-motivated, and be able to work in isolation and without supervision. They must be skilled in the management of people of all ages. They must be able to work under stress, for long periods of time if necessary. They must have flexibility to perform a number of conflicting tasks at the one time without tiring. They must have the adaptability to handle all new developments in the life of the team, including emergencies and serious crises. They must be able to communicate on a range of issues with people of all ages, including public servants, school teachers, doctors, dentists, trades people, teenagers and children. They must be competent in the practical skills listed above. They must be healthy, creative, active and outgoing, to encourage the physical and social development of the team members. They must have imagination, sensitivity, warmth, love and understanding since they are responsible for the mental and emotional well being of the team.

Hours of Work: All waking hours and a 24 hour shift when necessary.

Pay: No salary or wage. Allowances by arrangement, from time to time, with the income-earning member of the team. The successful applicant may be required to hold a second job, in addition to the one advertised here.

Benefits: No guaranteed holidays. No guaranteed sick leave, maternity leave or long service leave. No guaranteed life or accident insurance. No worker’s compensation. No superannuation.(From a discussion paper on unpaid housewife published by the New Zealand Ministry of Women’s Affairs in September, 1988)

To quote website

“When to Know You’re a Mother”

  • In the interests of world peace you count the sprinkles one each kid’s cupcakes to make sure they’re equal.
  • You have time to shave only one leg at a time.
  • You hide in the bathroom to be alone.
  • Your kid throws up and you catch it.
  • Someone else’s kid throws up at a party. You keep eating.
  • You consider finger paints to be a controlled substance.
  • You’ve mastered the art of placing large quantities of mince, mash, peas and carrots on a plate without anything touching.
  • Your child insists that you read “once upon a potty” in a public place – like the doctors waiting room – and you do it.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Age Before Beauty!

With our obssession with beauty and the pusuit of eternal youth, I decided to find some interesting, informative and funny sites to help us cope with the inevitability of aging, (gracefully we hope)!!
The True Colours Ad campaign that aimed to raise children's self esteem and let them know that they are all beautiful no matter what their perceived faults. "Tanning salons are in the spotlight after a user was diagnosed with cancer, writes Lisa Martin......" "Finally a Barbie I can relate to! At long last, here are some NEW Barbie dolls to coincide with her and OUR aging gracefully. " to provoke thought and discussion, Age Before Beauty examines the issues around ageing, as it relates to women."IN THE WORLD OF BEAUTY products, the hint of a sea change came in 1997, when L'Oreal asked former "Melrose Place" vixen Heather Locklear to be a spokeswoman for one of its hair color lines.""Older people should be given precedence over the younger, and by implication more beautiful...,,1123838,00.html
"Clearly, older male stars— heroes like Sean Connery, Clint Eastwood, and Harrison Ford, and comfortably familiar comic charmers like Martin or Woody Allen — still know how to turn wishful thinking about the appeal of older males into a big-screen reality."
"While Botox, creams and face lifts can stall time, you can't ignore the sagging truth - so why not embrace it? "
"There are no magical foods that turn back the clock, but good nutrition is important for looking and feeling our best as the years go by, says Nicole Senior." "You can have Botox in your lunch hour, go on surgery and safari (just slip off on holiday while you heal in the hope that no-one will be the wiser), peel layers from your face and apply myriad lotions, potions and elixirs promising to freeze, diminish and soften the signs of ageing...."

Compiled by Debbie Flaherty

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The History of Women In Politics

The evolution of the rights of women in Australia owes much to successive waves of the women’s movement . The first of these took place in the late 19th century and was concerned largely with gaining the right to vote and to stand for election into parliament. The second wave, which took place in the 1960’s and 1970’s focused on gaining equality with men in other areas such as work, the law and general social standing. The second wave, because it targeted so many different aspects of life, presented a broader challenge to traditional ideas of women’s rights. It therefore, led to more fundamental changes in the daily lives of mainstream Australian women. By 1910 most Australian women over 21 could vote in State and Federal Elections.

Many of the women’s groups that had campaigned for women’s suffrage had done so out of a desire to improve the lot of women and children. They felt that only through political representation could they really change laws that affected women and children.

Since the 1970’s women have been increasing their representation in our parliaments. This representation is still small and disproportionate to the number of women in the national electorate.

As women, we have come so far. I feel we still have a way to go for women in politics, as it is male dominated. I am grateful for our women pioneers who have rallied together to make changes for a better life and a voice for women to be heard in this nation.

May the political arena see the value of their women and their positive influence they can have for the well being of every Australian. May we all continue to work together as one for the greatest good for the people of Australia and this land. May we continue to support the women in politics who have the courage to step out and be heard in a very male dominated world.
(Australian local government womens’s association) (supporting women in local government)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Postnatal Depression With A Twist

Hi, my name is Lynda and I am 53 years old. I have a son, Justin, who is now 18 and doing very well indeed. He was my introduction to postnatal depression. This is a short story of how I coped and turned around the outcome.

So here goes. I had a very complicated pregnancy. I spent most of my time hospitalised. My husband and I even got married in the hospital chapel. At 26 weeks, Justin decided he was ready to be born and I went into premature labour. Then I was taken to acute care and put on a drip to stop contractions. After 5 days Justin still wanted out so he was born by emergency C section at 27 weeks. My husband got to see Justin before he was ventilated and taken to neonatal intensive care. Justin fitted into Jeff’s hand, he was that small.

Justin was a very small and fragile package. I was not allowed to touch him because he was so sick, all I could do was look at him through this plastic box and wonder if he would live or die. I prepared myself for the latter. So when he did live and finally came home I was at a loss. What do I do now. I had to turn around my whole way of thinking.

I disliked being a mother. Justin was very demanding, he was the hardest boss I had ever worked for in my life. 24/7. I felt lost, sad, depressed and I decided to take myself to a doctor where I was diagnosed with postnatal depression and placed on medication.

I had never celebrated the birth of my son, nor gave myself time to be happy.

As Justin grew his development skills did not. Doctors said he was developmentally delayed. What is that supposed to mean. Anyway, I decided to get help with physiotherapy and occupational therapy amongst other things. When Justin was 12 months old the “experts” confirmed Justin had cerebral palsy. I knew something was not right. I was told he would never walk, talk or do anything. Well, I got Justin walking, talking etc.

In amongst the crying and despair, I started to grow. I realised that I was the one who knew I was depressed. I was the one who knew there was something wrong with the development of my own child. I was the one who woke up every day and breathed. The light at the end of the tunnel was ME.

The symptoms of postnatal depression are many and varied, so I have listed below a few, but in the end, you will be the one who knows.

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Early morning waking, unable to get back to sleep
  • Palpitations
  • Panicky feelings, panic attacks
  • Feeling like you are putting on a front, forcing yourself to do things when all you want to do is sleep
  • Feeling of overwhelming exhaustion like you have gone past the point where a good nights sleep would make you feel better
  • Exhaustion following the birth which has developed into extreme fatigue rather than resolving itself with a few weeks following delivery
  • Bouts of weeping over things which would not normally provoke such a reaction
    Short tempered, snappy behaviour
  • Desperation for rest, feeling trapped and unable to find a moment to relax
  • Headache, night sweats, bleary vision

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Equal Pay

Inequality in pay rates is an act of sexual discrimination . Historically it was assumed that women had either their fathers or their husband to financially support them. If a woman worked it was decided by the men in positions of power that they required less to live on. The idea that the male bread winner worked full time to provide for the family remains today, no matter how irrelevant. Because male dominated unions have been larger and stronger than unions for jobs performed predominantly by women, women workers have often been treated less favourably under awards and agreements than male workers. Discrimination of this type, is now unlawful, under the “Sexual Discrimination Act” and “Industrial Relations Reform Act” of 1984. Yet even today woman working full time currently average about 2/3 of men’s earnings overall in Australia. The major factor contributing to this is the traditional undervaluing of woman’s skills and the part time nature of work opportunities available to women. Also because woman’s career paths may be interrupted for motherhood, to bear and raise children, a job grossly undervalued by society as a whole.

Up until 1969 it was the law in many occupations that women doing the same job as men got 25% less pay. During 1966 a “marriage bar” in the Commonwealth Public Service was lifted, this allowed married women access to permanent employment in the public service, teaching and banking positions. Thus our almost exclusively male elected representatives were at last considering equality between the sexes in the workforce. It has taken a lot longer to go from a position of consideration to action.

Today public servants continue to enjoy higher wages on average than private sector workers at $61,500.00 compared to $54,200.00. The Australian Bureau of Statistics have found on average, the full time earnings of men is $10,000.00 per annum more than women. Of the 16 industrial categories in the latest survey of 2007, women continue to earn less than men at every level. The inequality continues with 56% of all women are in the labour force, while in the overall labour force 45% are female.

The picture is far worse for indigenous women and women from other ethnic backgrounds, as not only may their own culture discriminate against them so does the financial sector. Culturally and linguistically diverse women and those less educated can be easily exploited in the workplace by unscrupulous employers using cheap labour in the manufacturing industry. Sweat shops, production line factory work and piece meal jobs are all such places where minority groups of females are used and abused.

The battle for equal pay in the workforce for women continues today.

Haralambos, M(1996) “Sociology: Themes and Perspectives”
Addison, Wesley,Longman. Melbourne

Summers, Anne(1975) “Damned Whores and God’s Police”
Penguin. Camberwell Vic

Compiled by Avril Moores