Sunday, September 9, 2007

The History of Women In Politics

The evolution of the rights of women in Australia owes much to successive waves of the women’s movement . The first of these took place in the late 19th century and was concerned largely with gaining the right to vote and to stand for election into parliament. The second wave, which took place in the 1960’s and 1970’s focused on gaining equality with men in other areas such as work, the law and general social standing. The second wave, because it targeted so many different aspects of life, presented a broader challenge to traditional ideas of women’s rights. It therefore, led to more fundamental changes in the daily lives of mainstream Australian women. By 1910 most Australian women over 21 could vote in State and Federal Elections.

Many of the women’s groups that had campaigned for women’s suffrage had done so out of a desire to improve the lot of women and children. They felt that only through political representation could they really change laws that affected women and children.

Since the 1970’s women have been increasing their representation in our parliaments. This representation is still small and disproportionate to the number of women in the national electorate.

As women, we have come so far. I feel we still have a way to go for women in politics, as it is male dominated. I am grateful for our women pioneers who have rallied together to make changes for a better life and a voice for women to be heard in this nation.

May the political arena see the value of their women and their positive influence they can have for the well being of every Australian. May we all continue to work together as one for the greatest good for the people of Australia and this land. May we continue to support the women in politics who have the courage to step out and be heard in a very male dominated world.
(Australian local government womens’s association) (supporting women in local government)

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